This 8 day birding in Uganda tour takes you to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park which is the number one birding hotspot in Africa, according to the African Bird Club. Bwindi National Park lies within the Albertine Rift Valley and protects a mountain forest that is rich in Albertine rift endemic birds and several forest specials. It harbors 24 Albertine rift endemic birds out of the 25 found in Uganda.

Bwindi National Park is famous for the mountain gorillas which are also endemic to the Albertine Rift Valley. And, a trip to the Bwindi is not complete without doing the famous gorilla trekking adventure to see these remarkable apes.

On this Uganda birding trip to Bwindi you will stop over at Lake Mburo National Park for a birding safari in this smallest savanna park in Uganda that will provide a number of savanna birds plus great game sightings.

Tour itinerary

You will be picked by your bird guide/driver at 7am and drive to Lake Mburo National Park. Lake Mburo National Park is the smallest of the Uganda’s savanna parks but is endowed with beautiful scenery and a lot of birds and wildlife.

The drive from Kampala or Entebbe to the Lake Mburo National Park is about 3 hours long. On arrival you will you will check into your lodge and after settling in and having lunch you will go for a drive in the park to begin your birding.

Optional activity: night safari for nocturnal species

Accommodation to choose from:

Budget: Leopard Rest Camp

Midrange: Rwakobo Rock

Meal plan: Lunch, Dinner

After early breakfast you will set out for birding safari in Lake National Park. Taking a walk and drive through the different tracks of the park, expect to record many savanna birds as well as sight several antelopes, zebras, buffaloes, giraffes, etc…

In the afternoon you will take a boat ride on Lake Mburo which is the biggest lake in the park and gives the park its name. You will look for the African Finfoot which is a special of Lake Mburo National Park, in addition to spotting more water birds and animals such as Hippos and Crocodiles.

Meal plan: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

After breakfast you will check out and travel to Bwindi National Park, Africa’s number one birding destination.

You will overnight in the Ruhija sector of Bwindi National Park.

Accommodation options:

Budget: Broadbill Forest Camp

Midrange: Gorilla Mist Camp

Meal plan: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Today you will begin your birding expedition in Bwindi National Park. Early set off into the impenetrable forest and begin ticking off several forest specials and Albertine Rift Endemics. Top on the list of the birds to record in Mubwindi Swamp is the elusive African Green Broadbill, one of the most sought after Albertine rift endemics.

Meal plan: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Today you will transfer to the Buhoma sector of Bwindi National Park while birding the along the “neck”. The section offers good chances of sighting the Black Bee-eaters.

Accommodation options to choose from:

Budget: Buhoma Community Rest Camp

Midrange: Buhoma Haven Lodge

Meal plan: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Today you will go for the gorilla trekking in Bwindi National Park. The Bwindi gorilla trek starts with briefing at 7am followed by allocation of the gorilla families and at 8am set off into the forest to look for the gorillas. The duration of the trek depends on the movement of the gorillas and their location hence you could take from a few minutes to several hours before meeting the gorillas. You will enjoy one hour with the gorillas before returning to the lodge and relax away the rest of the day.

Meal plan: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Today you will spend the whole day birding in the Buhoma sector of Bwindi Forest.

Meal plan: Breakfast, Lunch

After breakfast, you will check out and travel back to Kampala or Entebbe

Meal plan: Breakfast, Lunch

Trips includes/excludes

How to prepare for your gorilla and birding tour

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