/ June 8, 2023
Is there a best time to visit Akagera National Park?

When it comes to the classic big game safari, Rwanda has just one place to go and that is Akagera National Park. Akagera national park located in the east of the country protects the country’s only savannah environment as the rest of the country is mostly mountainous and forest.An area that had been reduced to […]

/ June 7, 2023
What is the best time to visit Murchison Falls National Park?

Murchison Falls National Park is the obvious choice of park to visit if planning a safari trip to experience the savannah and see lots of wildlife in Uganda. The Murchison is Uganda’s largest park, located along the River Nile on which is found the world’s strongest waterfalls – the Murchison Falls. Safari drives on the […]

/ June 5, 2023
How strong is a gorilla?

It is common knowledge that the gorilla is the strongest of the primates. “But how strong is the gorilla?”, a lot of people wonder. And, what is the gorilla’s strength compared to other great apes such as the humans and chimpanzees? Finding out the incredible strength of the gorilla is a thing of curiosity! Perhaps this […]

/ June 4, 2023
Uganda’s anti-homosexuality law – is it safe for gay tourists to visit Uganda?

Uganda has passed the “anti-homosexuality law” that criminalizes same sex relationships and the promotion of gay activities in Uganda. The law is said to be one of the toughest anti-LGBTQ laws in the world that includes the death penalty for aggravated homosexuality, and up to 20 years in prison for promoting homosexuality.The Uganda anti-homosexuality/anti-gay/anti-LGBT law […]