Like all big cats of the African savannah, the Leopard is a prized sighting of a wildlife safari, perhaps only second to the lion in popularity among cats. Another reason why the leopard is a must-see animal of the safari is that it is a member of the famous African “Big Five”, the other members being the Lion, Rhino, Buffalo, and Elephant. And, of all the big five the leopard is arguably the most difficult to tick off in an environment or destination where all the big five can be can be found. It is a very secretive animal, living mostly a solitary life (unlike the lions and hyenas that live in prides) and this makes the leopard a lucky and special sighting. Most sightings are of leopards in trees, as a leopard likes to stay away from prides of other territorial predators on the ground and also keep away its kill hidden in the tree.
Are there leopards in Uganda?
Yes, leopards are present in Uganda and one can say they are in abundance because they are the most widespread of the big cats. They can be found not only in protected wildlife reserves, but are also in random jungles in communities. So much so that every once in a while, there is a problem leopard that is reported by a community for preying on their livestock. Thanks to their stealth and solitary nature they are able to live undetected in the most unexpected of jungle environments near a large population of people, even in towns/cities…
However, being widespread is one thing and seeing them is another. If you are planning a safari in Uganda and the leopard is on top of the animals you do not want to miss, the following parks provide a good chance (but still no guarantee…because a leopard is a leopard)
Lake Mburo National Park is well known for providing good chances of seeing leopards in Uganda. It is a small park that is not popular for safari trips because it lacks lions (only one lion is said to live there and is never seen), and there are no elephants. But it still makes for a worthwhile safari because of the scenery, lots of herbivores such as zebras, antelopes, giraffes, & buffaloes, and importantly a good chance to see the leopard.
The night safari in Lake Mburo National Park is booked to look for the nocturnal animals with the leopard on top of the list. The leopard is very active at night as this is when it gets to hunt.
The 2 day safari trip Lake Mburo National Park is ideal short trip to the park to look for the leopards.
Queen Elizabeth National Park is the next top destination that has provided good chances of seeing the leopard. The Kasenyi plains which is the breeding ground of antelopes is favorite hunting ground for many predators and the leopard is no exception. Carefully browsing through the euphorbia and branches of fig trees around the plains may land you a well camouflaged leopard snoozing away the day after a good morning meal.
leopard tucked away in euphorbia plant in Queen Elizabeth National Park.
Uganda’s biggest park, the Murchison Falls National Park, provides fairly good chances of seeing the leopard if you search long enough.
An area near Pakuba Safari Lodge, at old construction site normally hosts a leopard that has made it is home, but is often displaced by lions that like the spot too. A place to start your search for leopards in Murchison Falls National Park.